Name | Internal Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||
Draw Style | DrawStyle | TRpImageDrawStyle |
Expression | Expression | WideString | The image can be embedded (Image propery) or obtained throught this expression property, the expression is evaluated, if the expression result is a binary database field will try to read the image from there, see below the image formats supported. If the field is a string field or the result of evaluation is a string the engine will try to load the image as a file reference. |
Image | Stream | TStream | Embedded image, stored with the report structure containing a image stream. When embedding large images you should set prefered save format in page setup to binary/gzip to enhace performance. | ||||||||||
Resolution (dpi) | dpires | Integer | Resolution of the image in pixels per inch unit, the size of the bitmap and the resolution will determine the final size depending on the Draw Style property |
Aditional details about the implementation
Because Report Manager driver architechture, the image formats supported depends on the output driver used, the server applications use the PDF driver.
Supported Image file formats
Image type | Windows QT | Linux QT | Windows GDI | HTML | |
TCLXReport | TCLXReport | TVCLReport | TPDFReport | ||
Windows Bitmap, regular | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Windows Bitmap, RLE | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Windows Bitmap, Monochrome | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
JPeg Image (any method) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
PNG Image | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
XPM Images | Yes | Yes | No | No | No |
Gif Image | No | No | No | No | No |
Developer info
Internal component name | TRpImage |
Parent class | TRpCommonPosComponent |
Unit name | rpdrawitem.pas |
See also Report components common properties.