Report Manager server runs using port 3060, you can run the server as an application and see the report configuration and log files location. You can alter all settings using repserverconfig application except the port (you can alter it modifying the configuration file stored in the server).
You can connect to a report server for admin:
By default there is only one user named Admin with blank password. You can assign a password to Admin user, and add other users.
You can define user groups, then assign groups to users, you can assign execution privileges for aliases (groups of reports) for any user group.
In the alias page you can assign privileges to user groups for each alias.
You can add or delete aliases also, to use a configured library replace the file path with the : symbol and the library alias, for example :TESTLIB. Library aliases can be defined from report server application, click the button Configure libs, there.
After adding an alias you can preview the report tree.