Report Manager Web Server


Installing Report Manager web server in Microsoft Internet Information services.

  1. Install Internet Information Services.
  2. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
  3. Copy the executables into the Default Website
  4. Enable the ISAPI and CGI applications at server level.
  5. Allow CGI and/or ISAPI at handler Mappings. This can be done at server level or website level.
  6. If you run a 32bit version of Report Manager you must enable 32bit in the application group. Else you will get a 500.0 internal error.

  7. You can test the installation by calling the application with /version command:


    This will give you info about the configuration file the report web server is using, including the location of the configuration file and the system user name running the Report Server.

  8. Copy and add permissions for database configuration files.
  9. Chek again the /version command and see if the files are now accesible.

For security reasons you can't add/remove users or aliases from the web. To configure users and aliases you can use repserverapp(xp) and repserverconfig(xp), execute repserverapp as a privileged user (root or Admin) so it opens the system wide configuration file and have write permissions over it, then execute repserverconfig(xp) and add aliases and users. You can see the generated file location in reportserverapp form, this configuration file will be used by the web report server.


Some tricks will help you otsetup the web server:

Installing Report Manager web server in Linux Apache

Usually you copy the application (rpwebexe.bin and repwebexe) into a directory with execution privileges, in Suse 7.3, is /usr/local/httpd/cgi-bin.

You must place the configuration file of the server in /etc/reportmanserver file. You can generate it with the tcp server application and the tcp server configuration.

This file will contain user information (default user Admin with blank password) and the report directories. A simple file can be:



User running apache process must have read privileges of this directory.

The database configuration files must be placed in directory /usr/local/etc, this files are:

dbxconnections.conf, dbxdrivers.conf

There information about database location, user names and passwords are stored, if you use the designer application (repmand) it usually reads and writes this configuration files to /home/username/.borland directory, you can copy the files from there to the correct directory.

Finally the report server application must link to required libraries, you should place this libs (provided with the report designer) in /opt/kylixlibs directory, because repwebexe.bin application launcher add this directory to the path, otherwise you can add other directory to /etc/ file and run ldconfig command.

To test the server you can write:


It will say you the version and the configuration file location, then you can test the configured reports:


Thousand separator and other locales

Most linux distros use a diferent locale for apache, you can check environment variables with the /version command and see the resulting decimal separator, thousand separator etc, you can override it by placing for example a .htaccess file in cgi-bin directory where repwebexe is placed, with this content:


Using a log file to track web report server activity

You can specify a log file to write information about executed reports. To enable the log file edit your configuration file and insert:



Make sure the user executing repwebexe application inside Apache or IIS has write privileges over this file.

Serve customized html files

To serve alternative html files, you must configure where the html files are and use the replacement strings contained in the models. You will find the html original files (models) in the cvs development tree.

To configure place in the configuration file



Configuring environment variables in Apache using Oracle

You can pass environment varaibles to any cgi with apache, for example oracle needed ones.

PassEnv directive
Syntax: PassEnv env-variable [env-variable] ...
Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
Override: FileInfo
Status: Base
Module: mod_env
Compatibility: PassEnv is only available in Apache 1.1 and later.
Directory and .htaccess context is available in Apache 1.3.7 and
Specifies one or more environment variables to pass to CGI scripts
and SSI pages from the environment of the shell which invoked the
httpd process. Example:

In addition: You must set the Oracle environment
(ORACLE_HOME,PATH,LD_LIBRARY_PATH) inside the init httpd script
(/etc/init.d/httpd) plus add the following directives inside the
configuration file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
PassEnv PATH

To generate advanced graphics (charts) you must use the alternative repwebexex.
The apache server service must start in runlevel 5, and the Xserver must be running.
The environment variable DISPLAY must be defined to :0 in he apache runtime.
Some security settigs should be disabled, the fastest way is to disable the firewall and then execute the comand to enable access to the Xserver: xhost +