Report Manager Web Server


The web server has predefined commands

The entry point por the web server is the login page:


To test installation you can call version command, with version command you also obtain the location of configuration files.


After login you can execute configured reports, see Installation instructions about how to configure the available reports and users.

You can operate the report web server by providing a complete URL with required param values, that is if you execute a report, you can add it to favorites because all execution information is stored in the provided URL.

If you need security, run the web server in a secure web server so the URL and all the informatino will be encoded.

If the web report server is installed in Linux you should execute:


This are a few screenshots of the report web server.

The web report server URL is formed when you advance in login, selection etc, so you don't need to know them, but for developers here is a list of them:

Parameter name Description
username User name accessing the report server by default only the user Admin with blank password is available. You can alter the configuration file to add users (execute /version command to know where is located), this user name will be assigned to a report parameter if exists one named pusername, this is usefull for executing reports obtaining diferent results depending on the logged user
password Password for the selected user, this will travel on the internet so it's recommended to use a secure server
aliasname You can configure several report groups in the configuration file
reportname The report file name

Possible values

0(default) The server returns a pdf file
1 Returns a native Report Manager Metafile, useful for example to work with WebReportManX web component
2 Returns a comma separated values file, useful to import from excel for example
3 Returns a text file, useful to return printable data or plain text data, use it with the textdriver parameter
4 Returns a svg file (Scalable vector graphics)

with 0 (default), with 1 returns a native Report Manager Metafile, useful for example to work with WebReportManX web component

pusername Assigns this parameter to a parameter inside the report named pusername, if exists
language Assigns the language index to the report, to show parameter descriptions and result in the selected language.
oemconvert When metafile parameter exports to text file, if set to 1, the file will be converted to OEM charset
textdriver When metafile parameter exports to text file, sets the output driver, default 'PLAIN'
separator When metafile parameter exports to csv file, sets the separator string, default ','

The login page:

The index page (selection of aliases):

The available reports page:

The report parameters page:

The resulting report: